Get it Together

Custom Packaging

We have field-tested every bin we could get our hands on – and these guys are Begonia Club Approved for just about all of it.

You can now place preorders for our custom packaging. Our bins stack out a full pallet, are easy to load and unload, and when you combine them with our custom inserts, your breakables will be snug as a bug in a rug.

We recommend pairing foam inserts with items that get wet, and we use cardboard inserts for dry inventory, paired with a foam top & bottom layer to handle shock absorption.

In addition to our stock sizes- we can also custom cut foam and cardboard inserts tailored to your inventory.

If your whole storage system is in need of an overhaul, we can send a team to select the correct packaging, and custom design dividers so your crew can work in the exact same way our Floral Support Professionals do.


Save time at home & on-site, minimize your breakage, reduce your labor needs, and look great while doing it!

Reach out to to schedule a consult for custom packaging solutions, or order a la carte below.

Buy Custom Bins